Home cleaning presents a never-ending string of tasks that you need to address on a frequent basis. Many times you will want to be done as soon as possible so that you can move onto the next thing.
Unfortunately, many things stand in the way of efficient cleaning. You need to keep track of them and ensure that they do not affect your work too much. Else, you will quickly find yourself overwhelmed with tasks. Here is a list of possible factors that can slow you down, which you should keep in mind:
- Children – children can prove to be quite bothersome, especially when you consider the fact that they are part of the reason you are cleaning so much in the first place. Not only do they create a mess on a frequent basis, but they do little to help with cleaning. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can, in fact, make them part of the solution. Teaching them about cleaning habits and showing them how to clean from a young age will help them become more responsible as they grow up. Besides, instead of being a distraction, they will take the role of little helpers. As long as you task them with age-appropriate tasks, you will find that children will not slow you down, but instead significantly speed up the cleaning process.
- Pets – playful pets can slow you down when you start cleaning. This is especially true for the pets that aren’t afraid of a vacuum cleaner and come running at you as you begin your work. Perhaps it is a good idea to keep pets contained for the time you clean. This is not just because they can slow down the process, but also because some of the cleaning solutions are in fact harmful to them.
- Lack of cleaning solutions – obviously, you cannot perform cleaning duty without the right products and gear at hand. You need your all-purpose cleaning spray, some specialised cleaners for the bathroom and the windows. You also need to have a vacuum cleaner at hand, to deal with the dust in rugs and carpets. If you lack any of that, you better make a trip to the store before you begin. It is much better to be overstocked than to find out that you lack something halfway through your cleaning routine.
- Not knowing how to proceed – so you see an emergency, and you know you need to address it. But what do you do when you don’t know how? You will need to spend time on research and then acquire the right tools for the job, which can slow you down considerably. It is best to educate yourself on treating the most common stains so that you are not caught off guard.