Recognizing the Dangers of Burnouts in Physicians
There is nothing positive about physicians getting burned out in a hospital setting or health care facility. It is not just posing risks to themselves; it is more on the scary prospect on how they can affect patients under their care. Physician burnouts are quite true, and it is one of the reasons why healthcare and hospital management these days is increasingly becoming a valuable industry.
It is true that majority of doctors can function with relative finesse and confidence. But it must be emphasized that they are only humans, which means that when they become unhappy, overworked, and stressed out, there always is a possibility of a burnout. There are specific personalities which are susceptible to it, while others are strong enough to resist.
The reason why hospital management consultants and companies exist is to prevent the likelihood of burnout, not just in physicians, but the hospital staff and everyone else who has a role to play in taking care of patients. But we’re not saying that all hospitals or physicians need the services of such a company.
For instance, there are physicians who come with excellent attitude, personalities, and coping mechanisms that allow them to be effective in managing the workload, stress that comes along with it, and the prospect of failing to save lives. Those doctors are the ones who put emphasis on communication.
The key sign of a physician who’s burned out is the mentality of just wanting to survive the day. It appears like he or she just wants to get out of the hospital and end the day, without exerting the effort to listen to what a patient feels and understanding what he or she needs. A burnout will cause an individual to become irritable, toxic, snappish, and impatient. Aside from lowered satisfaction from the patient, it could also put him or her in danger.
The biggest risk associated with burnouts in physicians is that of committing medical errors, some of which could lead to death. A burned-out doctor can still perform its job of visiting patients, but they usually become less effective. Medical errors could subsequently result to malpractice, and to the least extent, sub-optimal performance.
The glaring issue with doctors and medical staff getting burned out is that it could contribute to the shortage of medical personnel across the country. Physicians who are at least 50 years old are more likely to retire or at least cut back on their hours, causing problems in duties and shifts.
Aside from the risks posed towards patients and the quality of medical care, burnouts can also have a significant, even deadly impact on the personal lives of the doctors. For example, there are thousands of reported cases of physicians being diagnosed with mental health issues. What’s alarming is that the precursor to being diagnosed is burnout. Likewise, the doctor’s relationships with his or her family and peers may also be affected.
Even with a small percentage of doctors confirmed to be experiencing burnouts, there is enough proof to warrant a more serious approach about the subject. It’s a good thing that some hospital facilities and hospitals are taking steps to prevent it from happening, including that of enlisting the help of hospital management companies with the capability of powering up primary care teams to reach their full potential and keeping their workload at a healthy and manageable level.